**Want to improve your spoken Chinese ? Join us at the Wereldcafe to chat with others !** All levels of Chinese are welcome, from beginners to native speakers ! You’re also welcome if you’re just interested in China and Chinese culture !
\***Please let your answer to the event reflect your attendance !**\*
All links (Facebook, WhatsApp, etc) : [languagebuddies.be](www.languagebuddies.be)
Chinese Language Buddies WhatsApp group : send us ([Willem ](https://www.facebook.com/willem.possemiers)威廉, [Simone ](https://www.facebook.com/simone.song.5)希萌) a PM if you want to join!
*Practical info :*
* you come and leave at the time you decide
* you have to order at least one thing to support the Wereldcafe